Policy Statement
Connections Inc is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act and is compliant with the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. Connections Inc adheres to legislated standards and obligations in relation to handling personal information.
Connections Inc. is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information which the organisation collects, holds and administers. Connections Inc. take steps to ensure that personal information collected is accurate, complete, up to date and relevant to the functions of the organisation. A person may seek to update their personal information by contacting Connections Inc at any time.
Connections Inc. is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of all its stakeholders. Connections Inc. undertakes to provide a secure information environment for its employees, participants, supporters, donors, volunteers and other participants and organisations with whom the organisation interacts.
Connections Inc. collects and administers a range of personal information for the purpose of providing support services to participants, recruitment, ongoing management of employees and governance. Connections Inc. is committed to ensuring that all information collected is used in an ethical and respectful manner and only used for the purpose it was collected.
Connections Inc has in place steps to protect the personal information the organisation holds from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure by various methods. Paper records are secured by locked storage. Electronic information is secured through the use of access passwords and storage of all server equipment in a secure environment. Only people, within the organisation, who need to access personal information through their duties, will do so.
Stakeholders are informed of what information is collected and the purpose of collecting information. All participants, employees and volunteers have the right to access personal information Connections Inc holds about them Personal information will only be disclosed with prior consent of the person concerned unless required to by law or duty of care.
Connections Inc may disclose personal information, including sensitive information, held about an individual to:
- government departments
- people providing services to Connections Inc
- anyone the individual authorises Connections Inc to disclose information to.
Connections Inc. recognises the essential right of participants to have their information administered in ways which they would reasonably expect. These privacy values are reflected in and supported by our core values and philosophies. Connections Inc. always aims to carry out service provision with respect and integrity.
In providing a support service to participants, Connections Inc. respects the rights of personal privacy and confidentiality of participants at all times.
Part of providing supports and services in a safe and competent manner is maintaining accurate records to ensure continuity of support between workers and inform future service delivery.
Connections Inc. maintains appropriate records and follows appropriate security procedures for record management. This Includes:
- showing respect for people with disability by avoiding the Inclusion of demeaning or derogatory language or remarks in records;
- keeping accurate, up-to-date and legible records that report relevant details of a participant’s service history, medication and support needs;
- detailing any allegations and Incidents that may have occurred, Including alleged breaches of the Code, and how they were managed;
- recording feedback, complaints, Incidents and allegations;
- recording any other issues that may have arisen while providing services;
- maintaining sufficient detail to facilitate continuity of participant supports and inform future service delivery; and
- retaining participant records for a minimum of seven years after service provision. Personal information that is no longer required will be de-identified or destroyed.
Records will be created at the time of an event or action or as soon as possible afterwards.
Connections Inc.